Last time we discussed the importance of observing your thoughts and writing everything down. Have you completed your daily thought downloads? Read through your thought downloads and pick one thought that stands out. (Or, if you haven’t done a thought download, write down one thought you’ve thought today.)
What’s Going On?
What’s going on for you? Do you know how you’re feeling? What are you thinking? Why do you do the things you do? Many of us are simply unaware of what’s going on for us. We move through our day not paying attention to what we’re thinking and feeling.
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Having Self-Confidence
Do you want more self-confidence? Most of us do. It makes sense. Our brains are wired to want to feel good and we use self-confidence as a gauge for what does and does not feel good. We believe that having self-confidence will feel good. We don’t like to feel discomfort or self-doubt.
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Stories From Your Past
Your relationship with your past I’m excited to share this with you. I’m reading the book Dream. Clarify and Create What You Want by Marcia Wieder. In her book, Marcia writes about our relationship to our past in a way that is new and really resonates with me.
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Why Work With a Coach?
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all your kind words of support! Here’s what I’m hearing from many of you during the complimentary mini-sessions I offer: “Thank you for providing mentoring to designers. This is greatly needed!”
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What Do You Want?
Do you have what you really want in life? Is something missing? Does it feel like you’re going through the motions? Is your energy low? Is the only thing that sounds good watching Netflix all weekend. 🙂 It’s possible to feel better and to have what you want.
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Difficult People?
Do you find yourself struggling with difficult people? “He makes me so mad.” “My boss is difficult.” “She doesn’t understand me, she doesn’t listen.” “He’s such a narcissist.” Maybe your boss is always telling you what to do and doesn’t know how to give constructive feedback.
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Are You Burned Out?
Do you feel burned out from working too much? Does your life feel out of balance? Do you feel exhausted and stressed? Are you anxious? Maybe you’re feeling so depleted that it’s affecting your health and sense of wellbeing? I hear you! It didn’t always feel this way, right? Do you remember when you felt
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Get More Sh*t Done
Do you get sh*t done? Are you as productive as you want to be? (My guess is no!) You don’t get around to doing the things most important to you, right? Do you procrastinate?